Welcome to MOAA Charities!

Welcome to the MOAA Charities Grant Application site, where you can apply for Education Assistance under the MOAA Scholarship Fund and Community Outreach grants under The MOAA Foundation. 

MOAA Scholarship Fund

Founded in 1948, the MOAA Scholarship Fund (tax ID No. 54-1659039, CFC No. 11285) supports the Educational Assistance Program that has helped over 16,000 students and has given more than $160 million in benefits in the form of interest-free loans and grants. Support is offered to students who are children of active duty, Reserve, National Guard, or retired military personnel. 

Interest-Free Loans: The interest-free loans are renewable annually for up to five years of full-time undergraduate study or until the student receives their first degree (whichever occurs first).

Grants: These funds are given to eligible students and do not require repayment. We have multiple grant programs with various eligibility requirements.

The MOAA Foundation (TMF)

In 2015, MOAA, the nation’s most respected and enduring veterans organizations, created The MOAA Foundation (tax ID 46-4219250, CFC No. 86590) to bridge the ever-widening gap between the urgent needs of our nation’s military families and local, state, and national resources addressing those needs.

The MOAA Foundation (TMF) creates, enhances, expands, or supports high-impact, proven-successful programs and services enabling the nation’s uniformed servicemembers and veterans of all ranks, and their families, to maintain a quality of life reflective of their selfless service to America.

Focusing on 5 key areas- Career Transition, Crisis Relief, Community Outreach, Military Spouse Professional Development, and Professional Education Outreach, TMF has made a difference in the lives of over 100,000 members of the uniformed services community.

For more information about our charities, click here.


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